Paying the Ultimate Price

“Anna” (pseudonym) grew up a Muslim in a Muslim household in a Muslim country.  Anna was introduced to Jesus and fell in love with Him as a young woman.  Jesus became her joy and her life.  Anna was so taken with Jesus and His love that she wanted to share Him with all her friends and the other women in her tribe.  One way Anna shared her beloved Jesus was through song, poetry and video that she played on her phone and “Bluetoothed” on to others’ phones.

Anna’s faith in, love for, and sharing of Jesus led to anger and opposition from others in her community.  Anna’s family was confronted with the “shame” of her following Jesus and told she must either leave Jesus or die.  Anna was given the choice to stop following and loving Jesus or be killed- Anna chose Jesus. Anna’s brother, at the direction of their father, killed her.  The “accidental” death was immediately reported to the police and the brother was quickly released with no charges filed.

Anna is now in the loving arms of her eternal Father experiencing sweeter fellowship with Jesus than she ever knew here on earth! Pray for those left behind who also know and love Jesus. Pray for Anna’s family. Pray we learn the lessons God has for us in this.


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